Always makes me smile.Doc'' robinson king harvest cause of death government surplus auctions ukīy 1969, they banded together, with a few other friends, in a copy band that was tearing up Ithaca New York in those politically troubled times.

Joel from Laguna Hills, CaAlthough I wasn't even born when this song first came out I think it is cool.Danny from Indianapolis, InI always thought that it was an undercover werewolf song: I am not a werewolf, but I always liked that song.A musical number of the song is featured in Richard Wenk's comedic short, Dracula Bites the Big Apple. The Toploader cover has also been used in the films A Walk to Remember and Four Lions. The original recording of the song is also sometimes misattributed to Toploader, who released a cover of the song in 2000 that reached the Top Ten in the UK Singles Chart, higher than any previous version. Neither Morrison nor Costello has actually recorded a version of "Dancing in the Moonlight", and "Kink Harris" does not exist.

Wells Kelly, who died in 1984, founded the group Orleans in 1972 with Larry Hoppen. Sherman Kelly joined the group on tour after the song hit the charts.

The song ended up being an enduring hit for the band, and their only song to make much of an impact ("A Little Bit Like Magic" made #91 a few months later). The single, with lead vocals by Robinson, was released in Europe but stiffed it was rescued by an American label called Perception Records that issued the song Stateside. Wells came armed with some albums from America and also a copy of Boffolongo's "Dancing In The Moonlight," which King Harvest decided to record, this time with a more keyboard-driven sound and smoother production. In 1971, Wells Kelly paid a visit to the band King Harvest, who were working on a new album in Paris (his former Boffolongo bandmate Dave "Doc" Robinson was in the band). The group recorded their debut album in 1969, and for their next album, released in 1970, Sherman Kelly joined the band on keyboards and brought them his song "Dancing In The Moonlight." Kelly's brother Wells also joined the band this original version of the song featured Hoppen on guitar, Sherman on lead vocals, and Wells on drums. The first band to record this song was Boffolongo, which was fronted by Larry Hoppen.